Shared care from a mother and daughter team

Rosa and Kay come from a long line of traditional doulas. Please accept our congratulations.

It was as her work as a psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherpist that Kay became aware of how birth trauma affects the whole of life and as a generational doula she decided to combine her skills and try and stop trauma before it begins.

Kay Lakka is a doula who has a Masters degree from the University of London in the Psychodynamics of Human development. This enables her to be confident about encouraging you to be confident about the pre verbal communication that is so important in  pregnancy, early childhood and beyond.

Kay Lakka is a specialist Perinatal  doula which means being one who is especially trained and experienced in treating and preventing trauma, Tokophobia ,fear of pregnancy and birth.
Kay Lakka is a specialist perinatal Doula who is also an UKCP registered Psychotherapist, A member of the the British Psychological society and COSRT registered Psychosexual therapist and Hypnobirthing teacher  and certified dancing for birth instructor.In addition her training as an EMDR practitioner  gives her the expertise to treat and minimise the possibility of birth trauma. Kay Lakka is an expert panelist for momjunction.