Shared care from a mother and daughter team

Rosa and Kay come from a long line of traditional doulas. Please accept our congratulations.

Rosa is an experienced doula  and a mother of two. 

To Rosa it seemed the natural order of things to  follow her Mother Kay into the doula profession just as Kay had followed her mother and Rosa's grandmother and great aunts. Traditionally women/birthing people have never birthed alone, it was the norm for them to be surrounded by a trusted circle of others so working with Kay as a mother daughter team to use their combined strengths to bring joy and the love of birthing to others feels like a true calling. Rosa is a lover of art and writing , Rosa specialises in helping women/birthing people  to access their emotions and communicate  with their babies through the mediums of language and design. Rosa is also an expert in breastfeeding/chestfeeding and all the "humdrum" little details of child rearing .Having had a very successful and empowering natural home birth during the height of the covid lockdown, Rosa wants to empower other women/birthing people to feel the same levels of joy and invincibility she has. " Birth doesn't have to be scary birth can be fantastic!"